Etymology of Express

The action of the verb in Old French can be observed in expresser, and the respective adjective form in expres, tracing the passage on the basis of the Latin in expressus, whose form responds as a participle of the verb exprimĕre, referring to the action to express, built on the prefix ex-, being interpreted to take out or externalize, with reference in the Indo-European *eghs, to take out, and primĕre, meaning to press, on the basis of the Indo-European *per-(5), to paste. In the same way, it is applied for example to espresso coffee, whose preparation includes exerting force on the ground beans to obtain the delicious dark nectar. For its part, the noun expression is located in the Latin forms of espressio and expressiōnis.

It is to manifest what we think, whether through our voice, our body language, in writing or at an artistic level, externalizing the opinions and knowledge that we have so that they are received by the environment, which indirectly implies an internal pressure, which acquires a certain degree of intensity depending on the context, even reflecting our own doubts and/or concerns.
We can identify common linguistic components in to impress (given on the Latin forms impressio, impressiōnis), comprehend (for Latin in comprehendĕre), or oppress (visible in Latin opprimĕre).

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