
Thought by the playwright Plautus in the 2nd century B.C. at the cultural prime of ancient Rome, as can be appreciated in his play Amphitryon (The Host), in which the gods Jupiter and Mercury take on the roles of mere mortals, representing different social classes and misfortunes. Seen in the form of the Latin tragicomoedia, […]


It is observed in the French vampire, in the middle of the 18th century, referred to the German vampir, at the beginning of the 18th century at the behest of legends coming from the region of Hungary where Transylvania was located (presently belonging to Romania), about the Hungarian vampire, outlined by the Slav opiri on […]


Adopted from the French, it is a technique originally revealed in 1796 by the ingenious English doctor and researcher Edward Jenner (1749-1823) in view of the looming threat of smallpox. The name comes from the particular manifestation of a virus that existed among cows, known scientifically as variolae vaccinae (popularly known in English as cowpox), […]


As a coffee option, it comes from the Italian cappuccino, dating back to the 1930s, paying homage to the members of the Ordo Fratum Minorum Cappuccinorum, a religious movement formed in 1525, represented by Padre Pio (1887-1968), wearing a distinctive hooded attire, showing a long white beard among the wisest, whose members are known precisely […]


Originally known as Xocoatl, at the height of the Aztec Empire, in the Nahuatl language, which is still in use in several communities over the mexican territory, takes its form from the word xoco, which means bitter or sour, and atl, meaning water. The recipe created by the Aztecs involved the fusion of cacah�atl beans […]


The German vegetarier, as well as the French v�g�tarien and Spanish vegetariano, adapted the word in the mid-nineteenth century based on the reference from the English vegetarian, registered as such in 1842, in the British magazine The Healthian, focused on psychology and nutrition, however, the term was already used socially as implied in the quote, […]


Referenced in Arabic as ?a��a�in, alluding to the bloodthirsty Nizari mercenaries, partakers of the hallucinogenic grass hashish, substance which reference in Arabic appears as ?a�i�, or of the hemp variant, seen in the Latin cannabum, for cannabis, both forms coming from cannabis crops, observing that at first the adjective was limited to pointing out the […]


The root on which the name and functioning is documented dates to December, 1974, in relation to the work titled Specification of Internet Transmission Control Program, RFC 675 (by Request for Comments), by the Stanford American researchers, Vinton Cerf (deservingly nicknamed “the father of the Internet”), Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine. Internet, whatever written in […]

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