Both in noun and adjective form, and used for male and female, it is seen in Latin as sedentarius, in allusion to performing or doing a task while sitting down, in reference to the verb sedēre, which is interpreted precisely as sitting down, breaking it down into sedens, which is the Latin reference for ‘to sit down’, with roots in the Indo-European *sed-, for ‘to sit down’, and the suffix -ary, taking the Latin form -arius as linguistic property. It was not until the middle of the 17th century that it began to be used in regards to the lack of physical activity or general laziness.
It exposes numerous applications and contexts that have influence on the meaning, this way it allows to point out sedentary populations to distinguish them from the nomads, as well as to distinguish certain species or groups of animals, in the sense of developing within the area where they live.
In the original concept, indirectly, we could say that all those who work in an administrative position as well as with computers are sedentary, because of the anatomical position the body is in, even though it is not resting, which is why it is recommended to take breaks, and do posture checks among other well-being practices.
One of the great criticisms and historical debates to the video game industry is the inclination to sedentarism as a result of the monotony of use, because one is able to play a soccer game, venture into unique worlds, and get into the WWE ring without moving from the couch. For these reasons, the arrival of the Nintendo Wii in 2006 was applauded, since it encouraged players to move in line with the action on screen, and from this revolution of the senses, other initiatives emerged, allowing a greater balance and opening the door to a new kind of digital entertainment.