It is a combination in Latin, determined by the prefix con-, which indicates an encounter, the word sumere, which refers to taking something, which breaks down into sub-, for lower level or below, and emere, which has roots in the Indo-European *em-, to refer in both cases to the action of taking; then, it adds the -er suffix, which encompasses the Latin forms -tor, -ōris, and acts as the adjective and noun of the associated verb, noting that this term is presented in both the noun and adjective forms depending on the context of its application.
Initially, going back to the 17th and 18th centuries, the concept of consumer is limited to describe one who uses and eventually or immediately gives an end to something produced, exposing the explained practice, however, this word gradually grows around the power to choose and the rights that protect from the violations of the industry, to the point of building the conscious consumer, understanding the interest to know about the process through which the product or service that he or she considers to incorporate to his or her life is produced, boycotting those that generate some type of damage or abuse.
Consumer law is a specific branch of the legal system dedicated to protecting consumers in a general sense. This type of legal system establishes a set of rules governing the relations between buyers, sellers, manufacturers and suppliers in the context of a market society. The consumer is considered to be especially protected because he or she is the most vulnerable part of the business relationship.
We all have a degree of social responsibility. A single responsible action may seem insignificant and even useless, but the sum of many small actions has a revolutionary potential.